SwagBucks is one of our favorite GPT (Get Paid To) or Beer Money websites. We have written a stellar review on the site and have done several videos on it. However, it’s time to get in the technicals of how you can make a solid $2 a day income on the site (or possibly more) essentially 100% passive.
To do this you will need at least two devices 1 desktop or laptop computer and 1 mobile device (either Android or IOS it doesn’t matter).
- Open up the Swagbucks website on your desktop and do the first 4 items on the daily login list for some quick points. (normally its about 4-6 points for these activities more if you manage to win on the search). 4 points
- Afterwards, open up this link https://toolbartv.swagbucks.com run through this whole playlist on your desktop computer to earn about 30-50 points for an entire day the list will auto play so don’t worry about freezing.
- On your mobile device now open up the LifeStylz app that can be downloaded from the Google Play store and go to the short clips section. Click one and let it run all day. This alone can you earn you up to 100 points but will normally cap out in the 60 point range. You are in the 100 point range as it is but there are a couple more things you can do to really cap it out. Also if you find that particular app says you have reached the cap you are able to swap to one of their other apps to improve income.
- On the homepage look for the NCrave activities with the yellow arrows around it, these will autoplay and can easily earn you upwards of 100 points per day with these alone. If not you will see a man with a laptop that you can click through them. This is not as passive but it will earn you quite a few points.
- If you want to earn normally a quick 10 points try and search repeatedly until you are awarded I find the best times for my searches to earn me is around 1 AM EST.
- Remember to install the chrome extension to earn an additional 10 SwagBuck per day but to also get notified of all SwagCodes which can help during events to give you more spins and income.
If you have any questions you can feel free to ask them below, or on our forum and if you have yet to signup do so here!